An articulation point is a vertex of a connected graph which can be split to yield an unconnected graph. 如果一个连通图的一个顶点能被分割,从而使这图成为一个不连通图,则这个顶点称为断点。
The sternoclavicular articulation is the only point at which the upper extremity is connected to the rest of the skeletal system. 胸锁关节是上肢与骨骼系统的其它部分相连接的唯一部位。
The articulation of speech regarded from the point of view of its intelligibility to the audience. 从听众理解的角度考虑言语的发音。
Treating 30 Cases of Hydrops Articulation of Knee with Fresh Poisonous Buttercup Herb Sticking Xiyan Point 鲜石龙芮贴膝眼穴治疗膝关节积液30例
From the articulation skill of performing the song-and-dance duet, the starting point, to reflect the linguistic feature in articulation so that people could enjoy the indigenous artistic style of the song-and-dance duet. 二人转演唱的咬字吐字技巧作为切入点,反映出二人转咬字吐字的语言特色,从而使人们领略到二人转土乡土色的艺术风格;